Best Chrome Extensions for Web Developers and Designers

You understand how crucial it is to have the appropriate tools at your disposal if you work as a web developer or designer. There is a Chrome plugin available to help you debug, test, optimize, or improve your online projects. We'll introduce you to some of the top Chrome extensions for web development and design in this article, all of which will improve your productivity and ease of use.

Chrome Extensions for Web Developers and Designers


With the aid of the effective tool Lighthouse, you can audit and enhance the functionality, usability, best practices, and SEO of your web pages. It creates a thorough report with ratings and suggestions for each category while running in the background. To see how your page performs in various settings, you can also use Lighthouse to simulate various network and device conditions.

CSS Peeper

CSS Peeper is a handy extension that lets you inspect the styles of any element on any website. You can easily view the colors, fonts, sizes, margins, paddings, shadows, gradients, and more of any element with just a click. You can also copy the CSS code or export the assets to use in your own projects.

Web Developer

A useful addon called CSS Peeper enables you to look into the styles of any element on any website. By clicking on any element, you can quickly inspect its colors, fonts, sizes, margins, paddings, shadows, gradients, and more. To utilize in your own projects, you may also export the assets or copy the CSS code.


A straightforward but helpful addon called ColorZilla allows you to choose colors from any website. The eyedropper tool may be used to replicate colors in many formats (including HEX and RGB), build gradients, create color palettes, change colors, and more. A must-have for color-conscious web designers is ColorZilla.


WhatFont is another another straightforward yet helpful addon that aids in font recognition on any website. Each text element can be hovered over to reveal information about its font family, font size, font weight, font style, color, and other attributes. If a typeface name is accessible, other details about the font, such as its source (a webfont or system font), its service (Google Fonts or Typekit), etc., are also available when you click on any text element.

These are just some of the best Chrome extensions for web developers and designers that we recommend you try out. There are many more extensions out there that can help you with different aspects of web development and design such as responsive design tools (Responsive Viewer), screenshot tools (Full Page Screen Capture), mockup tools (Balsamiq Wireframes), etc. Feel free to explore them and find your favorites.

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