What is a torrent? How does it work? Is torrent valid or invalid?

Torrent is a well-known word in the internet world. Almost everyone has used torrents or heard its name at some point during internet usage. Since most of the time movies or any valuable software are downloaded free of charge using torrents.

So many people think that torrents are something illegal. If you too have such an idea in your mind; So it's time to make it clear. In this article, we will try to find out what is torrent key is, how it works, whether the torrent is valid or illegal; Details about such issues. Let's start today's article on what torrents are without delay.

What is a torrent?

In other words, torrent is a file-sharing system online. It works using BitTorrent protocols. BitTorrent Protocol is a strategy for file sharing through peer-to-peer networks on the Internet.

Whatever you do on the Internet, you can do it for the benefit of some file-sharing system. File sharing system contributions to a website view, upload/download something, email everything.

Maybe it's the client-server file-sharing system; Maybe the cloud system,  maybe torrent. What is a file-sharing system,  how it works; I'll discuss it in detail or the other day. 

For now, it is enough to know that torrent is a file-sharing system, just like other file-sharing systems. Which does not require a server to share a file. The file is uploaded and downloaded directly from the user's computer. Sharing files through torrents is called torrenting. 

How does torrent work?

Usually want to create a website on the Internet or share a file; Which web server does it have to put on? The web server is a powerful,  large storage,  expensive computer. The task is to save various websites and files and deliver them to users through the Internet.

Most files on all websites and the internet in the world are therefore stored on one web server or the other. This method of file sharing through web servers is called a client-server system. 

Torrent is a file-sharing system similar to client servers. The difference is in the client-server system where files are shared with internet users from a powerful computer. Files can be shared with internet users from any personal computer on the torrent system there.

It doesn't require an expensive web server. Anyone can create torrent files and create opportunities to download others directly from their computer. That's why the computer must be connected to the Internet.

More interestingly, someone downloaded the torrent file to his computer; Automatically start uploading from there to other users. Unless the user stops uploading it after downloading or goes offline. 

Giving an example will make the whole thing better understood. Suppose you created a torrent file to share a file or folder with others. When someone downloads a particular file or folder using your torrent file, it will be downloaded directly from your computer without downloading it from a web server.

That's why your computer must be online. Once the file is downloaded by a user, he will automatically upload the file using the BitTorrent protocol. So if you download another file next, it will be downloaded from your computer.

If someone goes offline, the other person will download it from the computer. If you want to download another person next to this, it will be downloaded from three computers.

Thus, the more people download the torrent, the more files will be downloaded from the computer. The speed of download will also increase. 

Is torrent valid or invalid?

Downloading various movies or pirated software using torrents makes many people think that torrents are something forbidden or illegal. Which is not true at all. Torrent is nothing but a file-sharing system. So,  there's no chance of being illegal here. 

Large files; Those that cannot be sent by mail or are expensive to send to web servers can be easily sent using torrents. Many software companies, even various distributions of Linux, use torrents by sharing files ISO their operating systems with users.  

So,  torrents are not illegal. But if you share content like a movie or pirated software, it must be invalid. Because in this case the copyright is violated. Why do you don't share them using a torrent,  client-server, or cloud storage file-sharing system is illegal. Torrent is valid, but the question of whether the file is being shared using torrent is valid or invalid here.

Today's article on what torrents do, how they work, whether legal or illegal is so far. Soon, inshallah is writing in detail about the advantages and disadvantages of torrents,  whether safe or not, how to use torrents. Please report any questions, opinions, or writings about torrents in comments if you notice any discrepancies.

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