Most amazing 10 facts about YouTube!

YouTube is one of the few websites or Android apps that almost any person will currently use it. This is the most popular video-sharing platform in the world. As visitors or viewers, we spend a lot of time here every day. YouTube is currently popular with people of any age not only as a means of making videos but also as a means of earning.

Today's article is about 10 information about this YouTube. The facts that you may have not known as much as I did. Just as these facts will be surprised, you will see the ever-familiar YouTube with a new eye. Hopefully, we can understand the extent of YouTube and how widespread our interest or addiction to YouTube is.

Most amazing facts about YouTube

The first video was uploaded two months after YouTube was founded

On February 14, 2005,, the domain was officially launched on YouTube. About two months later, on April 24, 2005, Javed Karim first uploaded a video on YouTube. The video, which was just 19 secs, was titled Me at the zoo. The video has been viewed 120 million times so far. 

YouTube sold for about $1.65 billion about a year and a half after its inception

Google, a tech-giant company known as Search Engine, announced the purchase of YouTube for USD 1.65 billion on October 9, 2006. Since then YouTube has been operated under Google's supervision. Currently owned by Google's parent company alphabet. 

YouTube was completely ad-free till 2007

In August 2007, nearly two and a half years after YouTube was founded, advertising was arranged here. Which is currently the main source of income for YouTubers. 

YouTube currently has about 100  regional  versions  

In 2007, YouTube launched different regional top-level domains from country to country. So that people in different Alda places can enjoy different taste features and content as per their needs. Although YouTube's regional domain started with 10 countries initially, regional top-level domains are currently in force on YouTube in about 100 countries.

YouTube will cost57,000 years to finish watching all the videos

On average, every video uploaded to YouTube makes about 4 minutes and twenty seconds in length. YouTube currently has about 7 billion videos. Which is constantly increasing. According to estimates, youTube already has about 30 trillion minutes of videos. As a year, it stands at 57,000years. 

We all watch extra YouTubes constantly

It's not too surprising to see the news of 57,000 years if we all find out how many vids we see every month. On average, every month, we, all viewers around the world, watch videos for about 4 billion hours. Which is about 4,56,621 years.

Videos are uploaded every day in the same length of about ten years

Currently, videos equal to 72 hours or 3 days are uploaded to YouTube every minute. Accordingly, the combined length of videos uploaded every day is more than 10 years. 

Tony Blair is the first YouTuber to become a celebrity

At present many people have YouTube channels of representatives or celebrities. Through which they are more connected to their followers. However, former British Prime Minister TonyBlair first enrolled these famous people in the list of YouTubers in 2007. 

Smaller than everyone else, but more than anyone from YouTube

10-year-old Ryan Kazitopped the highest income YouTubers in 2019.  His income from YouTube that year was USD 26 million. Ryan also earned USD 22 million from YouTube in 2018 the previous year. 

World's second-largest search engine

YouTube is the world's most popular search engine and website after Google. The location of dated search engines like Yahoo or Bing is after YouTube. To be honest,  the combined popularity of Bing or Yahoo is also less than that of YouTube.

Since technology is an ongoing subject, the data changes and expands here constantly.  We tried to add ongoing information as well as information that there is no way to change. 

We will not claim that all the information written here is 100 percent true. But I tried to verify each information from multiple sources. Nevertheless, before you believe all the information, you will check as much as possible. I request us to immediately report any information that is wrong or inconsistent. 

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