What is IOT? How it changes the world?

The abbreviation for the 'IoT' is internet of things. And, it’s not an isolated concept; it’s already changing the way we live and work. Basic idea of IoT is: It’s a set of connected digital devices which interact with each other to form an “internet” and which makes use of the internet to exchange data and information. This article will explore everything you ever wanted to know about IoT and its potential impact on your business.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

What is IoT?

IoT is the abbreviation for the internet of things. And it’s not an isolated concept; it’s already changing the way we live and work. IoT has become so pervasive that most of us have at least some ideas what it is: It’s a set of connected digital devices which interact with each other to form an “internet”, and which makes use of the internet to exchange data and information. This article will explore everything you ever wanted to know about IoT and its potential impact on your business.

How it works?

IoT devices are usually connected to the internet. They are usually connected to a central unit (the “EEPROM”) which in turn is connected to the back-end systems (the “SERVICE”). All the data is transferred between the two systems via a middle-man, usually a computer. An example of a network of sensors, actuators, and control systems is the automotive after-market.

Benefits of using IoT

It allows you to integrate a wider range of devices into your home/office and to expand/enhance their functionality. It makes your home and your business smarter by integrating sensors and devices, often with little to no modification needed by the customer. It allows for the easy implementation of automation and remote monitoring. It provides a great opportunity to collect data, conduct research, and optimize your business.

Key takeaways

The Internet of Things is a significant and growing trend. This article will explore everything you ever wanted to know about IoT and its potential impact on your business.

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