How is the Internal Structure of the Earth?

To everyone living on earth, it seems like a plain land. Because people can easily travel from one end of the world to another end by walking or by vehicle. But thanks to science, we have already known that the earth is not really a flat land. The earth is actually a nearly spherical planet, on the top of which we roam. But how is the internal structure of this entire world, is described today, in this article of DrTechies.

The world was not like this from the beginning of creation, as we see it now.  At the beginning of creation, the earth was a hot ball of gas. Gradually it cooled and condensed to form its present form. In this cooling process, relatively heavy elements accumulated towards the center of the Earth. And the lighter elements were accumulated in different layers on the top of the earth. Like the parts of the Earth we wander through, the structure of the Earth's interior is just as varied. Let's learn about the internal structure of the Earth.

Internal Structure of the Earth

From the surface of the earth to the center of mass of the inner part, the part is divided into three layers. These are Earth's crust, Barysphere and Centrosphere. These three levels are discussed below.

Earth's crust

This is the uppermost layer of the earth. And the hard outer covering made up of rocks in the upper part of this level is the crust. We live on this earth. Mountains, plateaus, plain land etc. all are part of the crust. The average thickness of the crust is about 20 km. The thickness of the crust on the continental floor is 35 km. And the average thickness of the crust under the sea is 5 km.

The continental crust is composed mainly of Silicon and Aluminum. So, this layer is called Sial. And the crust of the ocean floor is formed mainly of Silicon and Magnesium. Hence this layer is called Sima. Temperature rises by about 30 degrees Celsius per kilometer downwards in the crust. There is a thin layer separating the crust and the Barysphere.


About 2885 km from the bottom of the crust, the level is called Barysphere. It is mainly formed by basalt rock. The constituents of this layer are Silica, Iron, Magnesium, Carbon and other minerals. This level can again be divided into two parts.

a) Upper Barysphere: This layer is about 700 km. 

b) Lower Barysphere: This level extends from 700 km. to 2885 km.


The layer extending from below the Barysphere to the center of the Earth is called Centrosphere. This level is about 3486 km. thick. The main elements of Centrosphere are Iron and Nickel. So, this layer is called Nife. This level is about 16 percent of the total area of ​​the earth.

Just as the earth's surface or crust is a complex of diversity, some plains, some mountains, some seas, the interior of the earth is also diverse in terms of structure. Even if a hole goes down from the surface of the earth, both heat and pressure will gradually increase in the interior compared to the surface.

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