What is Android Certified Device? What's wrong with being uncertified?

An excellent aspect of the Android operating system is that it is open-source. As a result, any company can make Android smartphones if it wants to. It's good in a way. But this also creates a possibility that the device will be uncertified. As a result, the user of that device may be deprived of the opportunity to use some features of Android.
Android is currently a project owned by Google. Being open-source, any company can use it. It can also do some customization at will. This is why it is often seen that despite having android phones from different companies, one option is not exactly the same as the other. This is called AndroidSkin.

Android Certified Device

However, Google advises some of the manufacturers to follow some of the benefits of smartphone manufacturing. So that the devices maintain a minimum of functions and security.
Google has a CDD or Compatibility Definition Document on the minimum key to keep in view the creation of an Android device. Devices that can pass the Compatibility Test Suite (CTC)while maintaining this standard are called certified Android devices. 

What's wrong with being uncertified?

In fact, it's very difficult to find uncertified devices. Using a device custom or route can sometimes become uncertified. If your device is uncertified, you need to know some things. 
It's good to say first, it's software that's about the operating system. There is no reason to think that the uncertified device means that your device's hardware is bad or that the device is number two.
Instead, certified operating systems can also be used on copies or device number two. Therefore, it is not possible to verify the quality of the device by looking at the device certified or uncertified.
As I said earlier, you may be deprived of the opportunity to use some Android features on uncertified devices.
Google specifically warned users about un-certified devices in 2018. It said a user can use his uncertified device, but it will not have google play store or play service installed.
Google cannot confirm if the device is safe enough when it comes to uncertified devices. As a result, these devices are unlikely to receive regular security updates.
Google cannot verify which apps are safe because there is no play protection. As a result, it is not possible to use all the features of many applications. No apps can even be used on these devices.
Google Messages can be talked about for example. In which case Google has officially announced that Google will not work on uncertified devices from March 2021.

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Certified Android devices will relieve you a lot of such minor worries. Small saying this is because there are many reasons to worry about safety on Android. Safety is also a big issue here for flagship phones. It can be talked about one day or the other. 
So, if you have an uncertified Android device right now, there's not much to worry about. Keep using. 
Install an app with a thorough verification, regardless of the device that is certified or uncertified. This is the most effective way to make Android devices safer. And yes, you can easily check if your device is certified.

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