Periscope: A Simple But Surprising Discovery

Periscope is a viewing device. Which can be helped in different angles, without moving its head around. Simply put, if you want to go a little higher than your position and see something; Or want to see the scene of the right-left without moving to the right and left;  Or, if you don't want to go around and see a scene behind you,  periscope will be your sincere helper in that task.

Periscope is an outstanding discovery from any point of view. Whether you know it or not, I hope your curiosity about the periscope is going to be somewhat extinguished in this article. Write down your opinion in the comment box after reading how the text feels. Your comments will serve as a great inspiration for us.

What is a Periscope, How it works, Its discovery, and its use

Periscope Structure: How Periscope Works

A very Z (the middle part like Z is not tilted, it has to be straight) shaped tubes or tubes, along with two pieces of mirrors. This is a simple periscope-making material. The telescope is made by placing two mirrors at a 45-degree angle in two curved corners of a Z-shaped tube. However,  lenses and prisms are also used many times to increase their effectiveness.

Isn't it easy? It's really easy to build a microscope. You can make it by sitting in your house if you want. There is a lot of writing and tutorials on the Internet on how to make it. If you are interested, we will also write a detailed tutorial on this,  Inshallah. So,  I'm not talking about it anymore today.

You know the structure of the periscope. Let's take a look at how the periscope works now. We know that when light is reflected from something and comes to our eyes, we see it. I also know that light moves on a straight path.

So I don't see anything when it's not in front of our eyes in normal conditions. In other words,  we don't see things unless we look at them. We do not see any obstacle between objects and our eyes because of the light moving in the straight path.

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With the help of a periscope, the trajectory of light reflected mainly from objects is diverted. The work that is done is to place two mirrors at a 45-degree angle. First, the light from the object comes through the open part of the periscope and falls into a mirror placed at a 45-degree angle. That mirror reflects the incoming light rays straight at a 90-degree angle.

As a result, this time this reflected light falls on the second mirror. Since the second mirror is also placed at a 45-degree angle, it also reflects the light at a 90-degree angle and removes it from another head of the tube. Our eyes are on this head of the tube. So this time the light beam comes to our eyes. This is how I can turn the direction of the light rays and see the things that are invisible to the vision.

Periscope Discovery

In 1647, Johannes Havelius first described the telescope in a post by Nata. He, however, did not use the word periscope at that time. In his description, the device was named Polmoscope like Periscope.

However, the feat of manual telescope discovery was given to French chemist and inventor Hippolite Marie-Davy. Who built the Naval Periscope for the first time in 1845. Later, during the First World War, Sir Howard Worked On Improving And Executing The Grab Periscope.

Before the discovery of the Periscope, many writers and writers have written about the use and structure of the periscope in their writings. One of them is The American writer Morgan Robertson.

Johannes Havelius cared about patents at the time, but Robertson was not an easy quitter. He fought a customary legal battle to obtain a periscope patent. Morgan Robertson has finally awakened history as the inventor of the self-proclaimed periscope but did not get a patent in the end.

As much as periscope usage

Periscopes are most commonly used in the military and vessels. Its widespread use is observed for the first time during the First Great War. At that time, infantry soldiers watched the enemy movements from inside their check-ups with the help of the periscope.

During the war, the use of periscope rifles became very popular by connecting the periscope with the rifle. With the help of which it would have been possible to fire at the enemy from within the check.

Periscope is an ideal and widely used device to see the state of the outside from inside tanks and other enclosed warships. However, the periscopes used for these purposes can rotate at a 360-degree angle. That is, these periscopes show not only the view on one side but also the scenes from back and forth. In 1936, Rudolf Gundlach developed and patented this special microscope.

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But the first periscope is used in submarines or submarines. Marie-Davy invented his naval microscope mainly to see the conditions outside the submarine. An important part of the Periscope submarine is still there. With the addition of new technologies constantly, periscope swells to become more effective in the present times.

Periscopes are not used only in military work or sub-marines. It is also widely used in research,  expeditions, or research. They can be discussed one day or the other.

The periscope was a very common discovery, but it was possible to take submarines and sail under the sea. The existence of submarines without a microscope is unimaginable. Like all good discoveries, it has also been used for evil. But considering all aspects, it is heavier to use the periscope for good use.

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